My son is in Washington, DC right now. He's on a non-sponsored, non-school trip with his school; three teachers and about 42 students. We had to have him at the airport Saturday morning at 4:00 am. He has been going non-stop since then. They get going in the morning around 6:00 am and don't get back to their hotels until around 9:30 pm each and every night. It's an incredible itinerary, kind of jealous!
When packing for him to go I asked him if he wanted to take our unused, small digital camera to take or would he rather just have a disposible camera. He picked disposible. Didn't seem he was going to be taking too many pictures and didn't want to be responsible for hanging onto a good camera. Not a problem. I reminded him of his phones ability to take pictures. If he decided it was too much to carry around the camera, just use his phone. Good to go.
Yesterday, I'm checking in with him [loving unlimited text messaging by the way!] and he expressed his concern that he didn't have enough money. (We didn't send him with too much. The whole trip was paid for, including food. We gave him a little extra to buy some souvenirs and more food if he wanted). He said that he had already used two disposible cameras and they were expensive there. If he bought one a day he wouldn't have enough money to buy a shirt or hat. He said he had already used up his phone but it didn't take too good of pictures and his memory was almost full. I was shocked. Didn't know what to do. How did dad and I miss the mark so badly on this one?! And who knew he'd actually be into taking this many photos. [Yes!] So, dad and I did some magic phone calling and it turned out the gift shop in the hotel would allow us to not only purchase some cameras for him over the phone but also add some additional cash to the bill. I contacted Alex to find out how many camera he wanted, 2 maybe? His response, "No, four!" Four. Four! LOL - you don't know how happy this makes me. This means he is enjoying his trip and he is enjoying taking pictures! I do believe he takes after me on this one.
Will post a picture of two once he returns. Of course since it's not digital you'll have to wait for the drop off/developing/pick up delay. Boy do I love digital!